
L.G. Artist Management S.L. started out  in 2011 as an  exclusive agency of  Opera, Ballet, Symphonic Music and Flamenco´ Stars. It belongs to LEONOR GAGO Associated Companies, together with Almamahler Producciones (2016) producer and distributor of ballet, dance, circus and gospel and Concerlírica S.L. (1994) opera distributor in the main provinces in Spain.

Since 2014 we are in  the  Icex Next program (International Trade in Spain) and Sodercan (Society for the development of Cantabria in the world. Currently  we collaborate with the United Arab Emirates, (Dubai and Abu Dhabi) Kuwait, Oman, and the Kingdom of Bahrain, Santiago de Chile, Puerto Mont (Chile) Bogotá, Medellín (Colombia) Lima, Cuzco (Peru) Mexico. Hamburg, Berlín, Stutgart and Munchen (Germany) Milan, Genova (Italy) Porto and Lisbon (Portugal) Istanbul, Ankara ( Turkey) Morocco, Ukraine and Moldova.

Durante los próximos años ofreceremos en exclusiva para España las funciones de la Ópera Nacional de Moldavia, la Europa Sinfónica Orquesta , Coro de Gospel de la «Iglesia Baptista Canaán» de Harlem (New York), el Circo Finzi Pasca de Lugano (Suiza), Ballet Clásico de Kiev y Las Estrellas de la Danza entre otros.

For the next few  years we will offer exclusively for Spain the performances of the Moldavian National Opera, the European Symphonic Orchestra, Gospel Choir of the «Canaan Baptist Church» of Harlem (New York), the Finzi Pasca Circus of Lugano (Switzerland), Classical Ballet of Kiev and The Stars of Dance .

We work in theaters around the world always with the aim of bringing the best shows and Artists to the public.

We also  collaborate  with some of the best world artist as  Ainhoa ​​Arteta, Ara Malikian, Ragàa Eldin, Rocío Márquez or Alba Heredia, and  Nester Martorell, Vladislav Lisak or Javier Agulló..